Who Can Benefit from Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy?
Psychoanalytic psychotherapists work with people troubled by:
- Emotional disturbances such as depression and other nervous disorders caused by anxiety and stress.
- Personality problems which compromise intimate, social and work relationships.
- A history of failing relationships, or difficulties in forming new relationships.
- Trauma, grief or life crises.
- Fear and phobias.
- Physical symptoms due to anxiety and stress, including psychosomatic disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia.
- A history of emotional, physical or sexual abuse which is causing difficulties in a person's current life.
- If you think you may benefit from psychotherapy, a referral can be made to a qualified psychotherapist for an assessment.
How does Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Work?
Psychotherapy takes place within a relationship between two people who are trying to understand together what the difficulties are; and how they can be resolved.It is the relationship that makes the work of psychotherapy different from other therapies.The process may be brief or long term... it can take time to "tell your story" and time to establish a trusting relationship where things can be talked about freely.A qualified Psychotherapist is trained to listen and respond in such a way that the underlying reasons for problems can be unearthed, and understood, enabling lasting outcomes. As a result, old behaviours are no longer stuck, and healthier options can be explored, within the safety of a working and growing relationship.
What does the Psychotherapist Do?
Membership of the NSW Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is based on extensive training in the theory and practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, consolidated by ongoing supervision and peer review, as well as a programme of continuing education. Therapists draw upon their capacity for empathy, their own life experience and their rigorous training to create an environment in which new understandings may be reached. The evolving therapeutic relationship sheds light on patients' characteristic ways of functioning, and provides an opportunity to explore healthier and more effective solutions.